Tag: aligment

The True Meaning Of: LOA, Synchronicity & Purity

On these pictures you can see I wrote:“HOW INVESTED I AM”. I posted these to my photography Instagram stories back in 2019. This wasn’t a cryptic message by any means. Anyone who watches my posts, etc. overtime, reads my art and my philosophies is able to understand that no problem. On this particular post I had been outside, and there was an owl deep in the forest; it had been staring at me, and whenRead more

Synchronicity – 12.04.2020

Adding to a sequence of writings I haven’t posted yet, I am blogging this synchronicity of today. This particular one I pulled from a word puzzle. After thinking of a few things around topics that have been turning in my thoughts, there was a song playing that has a particular artistic theme resemblant of ancient warriors. As I was observing myself in the moment and my thoughts, I was brought back to alignment, message, andRead more