
This year has taken me through ups and downs; ups when on my own taking leadership of my own life, and the downs through dealing with the dumb but complicated problems, however enabling them to down my heart and mind too in occasions, due to having to deal with it all on my own.

Few times in generalizations due to confusion, perhaps I’ve offended others and I regret that. Am also happy to have stood up for myself, instead of caving to deception, and the craziness that drowns if we are not wise in what we are opening ourselves to.

It takes a lot of courage to face the demons of our lives, in whichever manifested shapes. However, if we are brave we can manifest a healthier version of our lives for ourselves.

The obvious if we are prepared is simpler to address, the hidden hinders aren’t, however. Not all that looks healthy is, not all that looks harmful is meant to. That’s where many often hinder their decisions.

Denying ourselves honesty is destroying the tool available. Everyone has the ability to heal only if they are truly honest, which cannot be conned, bought, or just passed in the path of mastery.

The thing we pursue when we want better is to address the damaged.

As we do address the damaged and open room for better things to manifest, then it is up to us as what things we allow to take place, and what kind of modifications we apply in our approach.

Why honesty is a vital part of having a better – whatever it is wanted in our lives.

Continuation of same mistakes means that while people or things are moved, destructive harmful patterns remain.

It is also easier to observe others and cast heavy judgment rather than look within and work on our own healing, and our own kept issues; ego out of healthy management.

We can ignorantly call ourselves winner, master, and even try to deceive others; however, the aftermath of all taken actions will always be unavoidable.

We have to measure errors, problems, stress, etc. as how it has an effect in our personal life. Egotistically control is the desired approach, but this two eventually cause harm to everyone involved.

More than control it’s about the mastering of balanced actions. How do we fuel our bodies, mind, heart, and world? What’s the purpose?

If harm is caused, the destructive path is the chosen weather aware or unaware of the taken actions.

Confusion, denial, ego, extremist mentality are harmful ways of approaching our way of thinking and shaping our lives.

Stress and fear happen, however, when we want to be our best selves then we push to think beyond wanting to seem like we know, but actually acquiring the qualities we want to be appreciated for.

It can seem impossible and unreachable to better our situations, whichever the moment has, but for as long as life is ours, we have the opportunity to be better than everything that aims to control our outcomes.

Not recklessly but smart, we can defeat our challenges and use everything that tried to destroy us once, as examples of what errors do, and stepping stones to build a much better world.

While the soul is beyond the material reality, the body has a limited time; it’s best to use all we are blessed with wisely. Most importantly, the main outcome of life is to leave a meaningful memory somewhere, far more than errors.

Angel  Pendragon.

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